Friday, November 30, 2012



By Kaoss

No focus
Very little drive
It's a wonder
How they survive

Little time
Fewer cares
Nothing happens
they're not there

Not a clue
What life's about
Oh so lazy
Whisper? No shout!

Sheep asleep
No will, no spine
Ooo shiny
Another glass of wine

At life the pretend
Fooling themselves
Not a thought
Or a wit amongst
Yet they continue
Blind and aimless
A sad caricature
Of potential lost
Pointless and wasted
They clammer on.

No hope
Help long gone
Shattered yet here
Hey get off the lawn

Non compos mentis
Left alone
wandering the countryside
Empty No home

Up on the Hill
No truth Just lies
the sheep they swallow
Until they die

Leaking faucet
Thoughts drip from the brain
No one to weep for    
A nation insane

Monday, November 26, 2012

Do it!

Do it!

By Kaoss

Empty Hours lead to empty days
Weighing you down filled with strife
Don't go down without a fight
Dig in, do your best

Wasted time adds up to wasted years
That become a wasted life
Don't let it happen this way
Stand up, Throw down
Take it, break it

Hour after hour passing soon lost
Never again to be regained
Take control, achieve your goal
Turn it all around
Go all in, Fight for the win

Do it
Never look back.
Do it
Go on the attack
Just do it
Never say die!
Follow your dreams
Let life fly
Just DO IT!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Desolation's Stroll

Desolation's Stroll
  By Kaoss

Walking the halls
that is my mind
I am greeted by
the desolation
and utter wasteland.

Broken dreams
And shattered schemes
Litter the way,
Faded glory
And long lost hope.

All that was
and that will never be
Laid out for me
Destroyed all
Yet I continue.

Wasted time
As well as lost
Lie rusted,burned
Nothing gained
Or even learned.

Wandering wondering
What went wrong
Why all this loss
Pain and disillusion
Yet I continue onward.

Once prized memories
Lay in fetid pools
Nightmares dance joyous
Madness gains a foothold
Yet I still continue.

Is it foolish pride
That drives this shell
Wandering in this,
Desolated hell
Unsure why I continue.

Haunted by what could have been.
Angered by what should have.
Comforted by the tatters of what is.
What was and what is
Battle for control, supremacy.

Shattered and battered
by the desolate wasteland
Knowing all is really lost
Hope lies broken burned
Yet I continue.

Monday, August 6, 2012

State of Mind

State of Mind
  By Kaoss

Body Broken
Soul soon to follow
Naught left but memories
And those have soured

Meaning of life lost
Empty and devoid
Wrong turn or fate
Who cares it's too late

Trapped and waiting
Mental state shot
What a wonderful fate
Left out to rot

Bitter and angry
Ones only friends
Who stick it out
Until the end

This this just bitching
Or some inner reveal
It's hard to tell
when one can no longer feel

Time stretches
a horrid charade
Thoughts they wander
From weird to macabre

Monday, July 30, 2012

Cruel Joke

Cruel Joke
 By Kaoss

More dead than live.
Lost the ability to fight the tide.
Drawn under, drowning but won't pass.
trapped in an eternal hell at last.

Forward in reverse
Waylayed by an ancient curse
Tormented, beaten and berated.
Given hope only to be frustrated.

Self hatred all thats left.
Nothing else completely bereft.
No strength, just suffering
Damnation, no recovering.

  =Praying for death.
   No swift blow comes
   Sitting waiting
   Empty devoid
   Wanting an end
   Receiving eternity

Cruel joke this
Imortality's kiss
Never dying
Just suffering

Tis to laugh
Tis to scream
Handed forever
Robbed of the chance to dream.

Paradise denied
Life as it is now a lie.
Lost forgotten shattered dreams
Lay laughing as the soul screams.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Willing Victim

Willing Victim
  By Kaoss

Turn it on each day
Just to pass the time away
Blaring glaring overload
Unknowningly doing what your told

Programs to enjoy
Seems like it's a faithful toy
Silently manipulating
Remolding, recreating

All the while you stare
Into the pretty glare
Rewriting, unenlightening
Plying you with the perfect lie.

Willingly you are it's victim
Sacrificing your souls conviction
Falling for the mass deception
Until your void of recollection.

Soon you are their great tool
Reprogrammed, functioning fool
None the wiser, mission complete
Your soul inside, beaten weeps.

Monday, July 9, 2012

No Sun

No Sun

By Kaoss

By Weariness overcome
Contemplating, perhaps race is run
Never ending, constant onslaught
Always using more than was taught.

No escape no way out
Must continue, cannot shout.
Always waiting for the truth
Or just something the soul to sooth.

Self hatred growing, cannot stop
Laughing watching, soon the bottom drops.
All spills over, ruins everything.
Now all undone, broken, nothing.

All is over!
All is done!
No crowd cheering.
No glory.
No sun.

By Darkness over taken
Last sound heard, soul breaking
Shattered, empty discovery.
All is lost,no recovery.

Face of Death now looming.
Final heartbeat booming.
Laughing watching,Death waits.
For the stroll past the gate.

Pointless thoughts fly.
As one waits to die.
Hoping for a last minute reprieve
One that is never received.

All is over!
All is done!
No crowd cheering.
No glory.
No sun.

Nothing worldly is true.
It's all a horrid ruse.
Meant to fool and cajole.
Calm before the drop in the hole.

So why try, why fight?
Why not sit, wait for eternal night.
Beat yourself  to nothing.
Just to lose everything.

Happiness, a lie.
Love, empty as sky.
Fear, a hole in a sock
Once slams the lid on the box.

All is over!
All is done!
No crowd cheering.
No glory.
No sun.

Monday, June 25, 2012

What's the Point

What's the Point?
   By Kaoss

What is the point?
Do the right thing
And get kicked in the teeth
Piss on the world
and receive it all
delivered on a golden platter

Why bother
Nothing matters
And what if it did.
Still wouldn't matter.
It's all for naught
that's all we get.

Break your back,
Trying to do your best.
And you find it's not enough.
Try harder?
You're all used up!
Out of luck, too bad.

Out on a limb.
Desperate and lost.
None to help
Such a waste
Doesn't matter
Life is a lie.

What is the point?
Do the right thing
And get kicked in the teeth
Piss on the world
and receive it all
delivered on a golden platter

All we know is untrue,
A grand illusion
Farcical whimsy
Totally unamusing
A carrot, no reward
A joke, punchline removed

No one realises
The illusion secure
just sitting waiting
Yet nothing
Still just sitting waiting.
Wasting away for nothing.

What's the point?
It's all for naught.
Why bother
There's no use.
Sitting waiting
Surrender to the void.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Ghost That Walks

The Ghost That Walks
    By Kaoss

Soulless ghost in a shell
Trapped wandering
Motions in a private hell
Lost unreachable.

Remember the ghost well
As that's all that left.
No redemption to tell
No recovery, No salvation.

The ghost that walks
Ever onward no release
No complaining, empty talk.
Such is undeath.

Weep not for it is the way
Lost soul get no pass
It is the price we pay.
For crimes committed.

Rainbow's end, no pot of gold.
Empty, pain ridden
Shambling mass, far past old
Never to feel again.

Self hatred drives the shell
Loathing, anger, rage.
As if from a deep dark well.
Internal fire burns cold.

Forget not what was
Now is unattainable
Lost, race is run.
No flowers, no release, no tears.

Friday, May 4, 2012


By Kaoss

Losing time
Just a shell
But has not died
A living hell

Across the face
Is that fear?
Silent scream
for none to hear.

Time run out,
But the games not done
A few more moments,
In the sun.

Thoughts decay
And then fade away.
Til theres nothing left
At the end of the day.

Empty time
Just watch and wait.
Life gone by
Naught to anticipate.

Except for the last
And final sound
Lid down then closing.
Next in the ground.

Friday, April 27, 2012


   Earth Bound

    By Kaoss

I scream for the Night to take me,
But as always the cry goes unheeded.
Seven millenia long
This sentence unneeded.

Cursed for an insurrection,
Based on pride and ill direction.
Cast out and left abandoned.
Guilty no trial,Damned by Creation.

Trapped with the monkeys
Crawling the Dirt unknowing.
The war long forgotten.
Left alone, hatred burning.

Cut off from the Heavenly host
Stripped of what was and is.
Left to rot on a spinning globe.
Envious of what was rightfully His.

Monday, April 16, 2012

No Swan Song

No Swan Song

By Kaoss

There is no forgiveness
Only self hate.
No more life,
Nothing left but waste.

Hours crawl by
No meaning left.
Mind lost unstable,
completely bereft.

No longer caring
Just passing the time.
Watching waiting
for the end sublime.

There is no point.
Price paid too high.
Nothing left but hatred
And desire to die.

But the abyss won't swallow
The wait lingers onward.
No tears, vessel empty
not even a swan song.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Not Right

Not Right
  By Kaoss

Something is different
Not quite right
Did something occur
In the dead of night?

Everything is off
six inches to the left
What is going on
Conscious thought bereft.

Nothing is certain
In fact down right strange
Just whats occurring
Is enough to derange.

Can't see a solution
Or a solid way out
Going with the flow
Filled with doubt.

Time continues on
Trapped in the paradox
Cat in the hat
Elephant wearing socks.

Alice might get this
But ones at a loss
Why is this happening
What is the cost.

Nothing to do
Just to enjoy the ride
But when this is over
Will I have a mind?

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Battle Undone

Battle Undone
  By Kaoss

Death take me and be swift.
One wearies and has no strength of limbs.
Mercy not needed, asked for or begged,
What's been done has been done.
No forgiveness can be won.

Cut the throat, burn the heart,
Ashes in silver, no return to the march.
The war is over race not won.
Place the soulless body
Out in the sun.

No farewell howl. No chant of the dead.
Make certain to sever the head.
Please heed this cry for release.
One wearies from fighting
This wasting disease.

Saturday, March 10, 2012



 By Kaoss

Hell is a state of mind.
And Mind is a state of hell.
Just which way this is going,
Surely none can tell.
Why is the question.
And why is the answer.
No one is telling,
not even the dancer.
Resolve is eroding.
And Erosion is resolving.
All life problems
Unending revolving.
Self hate is liberating.
Liberation is self hate.
Wishing it would all end,
Before it's too late.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Caught Between Past and Present

Caught between Past and Present

By Kaoss

One is done,
The other continues.
Neither touching
Yet bound by time.

No way back
Time greedily blocks that path.
Only forward
ever onward.

Inside, Outside
And underground.
Both appealing
All turned around.

Words are nothing
Actions don't suffice
Trapped by inaction
As though by ice.

Forever it spins
Yang to the Yin.
Desire for return,
Yet present flows on.

Any thing's possible
But does that make it right
Leaves one to ponder
Through the Dark night.

Nothing to say,
That has not been said.
Caught in the middle
Until Time is dead.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Apocalyptic Again

Apocalyptic Again

By Kaoss

Feeling Apocalyptic again
Everything and the World should end.
Cease to be and ultimately free
Remembering promises made and broken
Whispered word and thise unspoken
Washed away like tears in the rain
All let go with everything unmade.

To see destruction rampant.
As the wasted years melt away,
Misspent time burning to nothing.
Feeling the joy as everything dies.
Fading away as all things do,
slipping into the void
All blissful and pristine.

Feeling sadly once again
Everything is normal, there is no end
Hustle and bustle, rule the day
Everything is here, not gone away.
Piled up high,like trash in a dump
Soaring ever higher into the sky
Making one ponder taking the Jump!

Monday, February 6, 2012



By Kaoss

Look not deep into the eyes
Of those that have truly died
For you may be drawn down inside
Just steps away from oblivion

Look not long into the eye
Of those quite long gone.
For you may find nowhere to hide
And no place in the sun.

Look not quick into the eyes
Of the feral ones hidden inside.
For you may find you'd rather spied
Of the ones long gone or truly died.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Body's Betrayal

Body's Betrayal

  By Kaoss

Feeling as if a victim drowning
Ever weary of the universe and it's clowning
Body at war with the self
Hating, debating causing non functional health.

Left is right and down is up.
Even Alice didn't have this tough
Always onward is the cry
Sometimes hard when dead inside

Forever searching for the spark
To end the Sanity and turn on the Dark.
In order to finish the Great Work
Or at least, our part not to shirk

The feeble witness with uncertainty
As they are passed by for eternity
Although beware for one day
Tis they who'll rise and on top stay

Woe be to they who kiss the light
For darkness soon will fill their plight
leaving them stuck, dashed of hopes
Dreams unraveled, gone up in smoke.

Trapped in a cage of flesh decaying
Body not right, forever betraying
Until that fine and faithful day
The soul decides to fly away.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Dark, the Mad

The Dark, the Mad

     By Kaoss

May the godz grow weary of my complaining
And with little or no explaining
Strike me down and end all this!
Oh wait, I work for the opposition
In this startling exhibition
And power over me they do not have.
So hell continues as long as I last.
Immortality craved by those with out
Once received they scream and shout.
End this end this it's too much
Bet they wish their mouths they'd shut
Wishing for what you should not have
Often leads to your soul being grabbed
By one such as I, the Dark, the Mad!
Fear the night, for those that cannot see.
Tis in that time you may see me.
Reaching clawing for the prize
Your soul, your heart, your very mind.
A delicious snack to slake the hunger
The anticipation of dragging you under
Hear your screams rolling like thunder.
May the godz grow weary of all the complaining
And with little or no explaining
Disappear from all plain sight
Taking with them the sunlight
Making it our time to roam and plunder
Happily catching and dragging you under
Oh what a time that will be.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Voice

The Voice
By Kaoss

Trivialities distract
Possibilities beckon
Responsibilities deepen
Wonder never ceases.

Caught between reality
And the deep blue sea
Swimming not an option
Cannot escape destiny!

What's to come is uncertainty
Change is inevitable
Acceptance unquestionable
Do or die the only way.

The deeper one goes
Into the rabbit hole
The more one will truly understand
Nothing is as seems is in command.

Life is what you make it!
It does not happen
You must take it.
All is there, possible, don't hesitate.

Good and Bad
Is a state of mind
Always changeable
Except to the mentally blind.

Do what thou wilt
Is the word of law
As above, so below
Will free you from All!

Listen or not
That is the choice
Hearken or hurry
Never ignore the Voice!

Hidden deep inside
Where all wisdom resides
The Voice does whisper
It your choice to comply.

Angels won't save you
And Devils don't tempt
It's always your choice
If the Voice you accept!