Monday, August 27, 2012

Desolation's Stroll

Desolation's Stroll
  By Kaoss

Walking the halls
that is my mind
I am greeted by
the desolation
and utter wasteland.

Broken dreams
And shattered schemes
Litter the way,
Faded glory
And long lost hope.

All that was
and that will never be
Laid out for me
Destroyed all
Yet I continue.

Wasted time
As well as lost
Lie rusted,burned
Nothing gained
Or even learned.

Wandering wondering
What went wrong
Why all this loss
Pain and disillusion
Yet I continue onward.

Once prized memories
Lay in fetid pools
Nightmares dance joyous
Madness gains a foothold
Yet I still continue.

Is it foolish pride
That drives this shell
Wandering in this,
Desolated hell
Unsure why I continue.

Haunted by what could have been.
Angered by what should have.
Comforted by the tatters of what is.
What was and what is
Battle for control, supremacy.

Shattered and battered
by the desolate wasteland
Knowing all is really lost
Hope lies broken burned
Yet I continue.

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