Monday, February 13, 2012

Apocalyptic Again

Apocalyptic Again

By Kaoss

Feeling Apocalyptic again
Everything and the World should end.
Cease to be and ultimately free
Remembering promises made and broken
Whispered word and thise unspoken
Washed away like tears in the rain
All let go with everything unmade.

To see destruction rampant.
As the wasted years melt away,
Misspent time burning to nothing.
Feeling the joy as everything dies.
Fading away as all things do,
slipping into the void
All blissful and pristine.

Feeling sadly once again
Everything is normal, there is no end
Hustle and bustle, rule the day
Everything is here, not gone away.
Piled up high,like trash in a dump
Soaring ever higher into the sky
Making one ponder taking the Jump!

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