Friday, November 30, 2012



By Kaoss

No focus
Very little drive
It's a wonder
How they survive

Little time
Fewer cares
Nothing happens
they're not there

Not a clue
What life's about
Oh so lazy
Whisper? No shout!

Sheep asleep
No will, no spine
Ooo shiny
Another glass of wine

At life the pretend
Fooling themselves
Not a thought
Or a wit amongst
Yet they continue
Blind and aimless
A sad caricature
Of potential lost
Pointless and wasted
They clammer on.

No hope
Help long gone
Shattered yet here
Hey get off the lawn

Non compos mentis
Left alone
wandering the countryside
Empty No home

Up on the Hill
No truth Just lies
the sheep they swallow
Until they die

Leaking faucet
Thoughts drip from the brain
No one to weep for    
A nation insane

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