Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Voice

The Voice
By Kaoss

Trivialities distract
Possibilities beckon
Responsibilities deepen
Wonder never ceases.

Caught between reality
And the deep blue sea
Swimming not an option
Cannot escape destiny!

What's to come is uncertainty
Change is inevitable
Acceptance unquestionable
Do or die the only way.

The deeper one goes
Into the rabbit hole
The more one will truly understand
Nothing is as seems is in command.

Life is what you make it!
It does not happen
You must take it.
All is there, possible, don't hesitate.

Good and Bad
Is a state of mind
Always changeable
Except to the mentally blind.

Do what thou wilt
Is the word of law
As above, so below
Will free you from All!

Listen or not
That is the choice
Hearken or hurry
Never ignore the Voice!

Hidden deep inside
Where all wisdom resides
The Voice does whisper
It your choice to comply.

Angels won't save you
And Devils don't tempt
It's always your choice
If the Voice you accept!

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