Monday, June 25, 2012

What's the Point

What's the Point?
   By Kaoss

What is the point?
Do the right thing
And get kicked in the teeth
Piss on the world
and receive it all
delivered on a golden platter

Why bother
Nothing matters
And what if it did.
Still wouldn't matter.
It's all for naught
that's all we get.

Break your back,
Trying to do your best.
And you find it's not enough.
Try harder?
You're all used up!
Out of luck, too bad.

Out on a limb.
Desperate and lost.
None to help
Such a waste
Doesn't matter
Life is a lie.

What is the point?
Do the right thing
And get kicked in the teeth
Piss on the world
and receive it all
delivered on a golden platter

All we know is untrue,
A grand illusion
Farcical whimsy
Totally unamusing
A carrot, no reward
A joke, punchline removed

No one realises
The illusion secure
just sitting waiting
Yet nothing
Still just sitting waiting.
Wasting away for nothing.

What's the point?
It's all for naught.
Why bother
There's no use.
Sitting waiting
Surrender to the void.

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