Sunday, January 22, 2012

Body's Betrayal

Body's Betrayal

  By Kaoss

Feeling as if a victim drowning
Ever weary of the universe and it's clowning
Body at war with the self
Hating, debating causing non functional health.

Left is right and down is up.
Even Alice didn't have this tough
Always onward is the cry
Sometimes hard when dead inside

Forever searching for the spark
To end the Sanity and turn on the Dark.
In order to finish the Great Work
Or at least, our part not to shirk

The feeble witness with uncertainty
As they are passed by for eternity
Although beware for one day
Tis they who'll rise and on top stay

Woe be to they who kiss the light
For darkness soon will fill their plight
leaving them stuck, dashed of hopes
Dreams unraveled, gone up in smoke.

Trapped in a cage of flesh decaying
Body not right, forever betraying
Until that fine and faithful day
The soul decides to fly away.

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