Monday, July 30, 2012

Cruel Joke

Cruel Joke
 By Kaoss

More dead than live.
Lost the ability to fight the tide.
Drawn under, drowning but won't pass.
trapped in an eternal hell at last.

Forward in reverse
Waylayed by an ancient curse
Tormented, beaten and berated.
Given hope only to be frustrated.

Self hatred all thats left.
Nothing else completely bereft.
No strength, just suffering
Damnation, no recovering.

  =Praying for death.
   No swift blow comes
   Sitting waiting
   Empty devoid
   Wanting an end
   Receiving eternity

Cruel joke this
Imortality's kiss
Never dying
Just suffering

Tis to laugh
Tis to scream
Handed forever
Robbed of the chance to dream.

Paradise denied
Life as it is now a lie.
Lost forgotten shattered dreams
Lay laughing as the soul screams.

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