Sunday, October 16, 2011

Words Burn

         Words Burn
          by Kaoss

Poison not taken but heard,
Far more dangerous if written
What makes them think
They have the right
To dispense all this venom
On any given night.
A stab in the back
A slice of the throat
Hurt far, far less than
A flaming wordly stab at the heart.
Feelings don't really matter,
They're abstract like art.

  +  Words burn, cut and crucify.
     Sometimes the near truth,
     Hurts far worse than any lie.
     Words kill, maim and objectify
     Purposely injuring without out
     thought Or reason why!

A simple paragraph wounds,
Like twas shot from a gun.
Vicious hatefull sentences
Launched just to deride
Nothing can stop the blood flow
It's an endless tide.
What gives one the right
To spit hate and venom blight.
No thought of outcome
No concern about injury
Just spew the piece
And move on to the next.

  +  Words burn, cut and crucify.
     Sometimes the near truth,
     Hurts far worse than any lie.
     Words kill, maim and objectify
     Purposely injuring without out
     thought Or reason why!

Think about what is spoken
Words burn, hurt, make broken.
Think before you let hate fly
you could be responsible
for multiple deaths or suicide.
Think, it's not that hard.

Once launched, retreval is.

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