Saturday, October 15, 2011

Monthly Archives: September 2011

Too Many Questions
By Kaoss
Can I have this?
Do you know where?
Why is this happening?
What is wrong.
How do I?
Why oh why?
Why oh Why?
All Kinds of question
being thrown around
With no thoughts given
nor taken a look about
perhaps the answers right in front
if you’d open your eyes.
Asking question without need
seeking answers unnecessarily
draining and constraining,
Question always changing
Blocking those that really require
an honest needed answer.
Selfishly hoarding
Asking, seeking, redemption
when all they need is
in the palm of their hand
If they’d just open their eyes
And unclose their minds.
Can I have this?
Do you know where?
Why is this happening?
What is wrong.
How do I?
Why oh why?
Why oh Why?

Life in the Sub-Suburbs
By Kaoss
Washed up, worn out
Left by the side of the curb.
So it goes
Life in the the sub-suburbs
Watching the drivel
Spew from the idiot box
It’d feel much better
being tied to a pile of rocks,
Lied to and beaten,
By those we elect.
If there was somewhere to go
certainly we’d all defect!
But here we stay,
Slowly wasting away
In our cardboard menagerie
with nothing to play,
Why ask why
because it takes to much time
It’s so much easier
to sit here and whine.
Washed up, worn out
Left by the side of the curb.
So it goes
Life in the the sub-suburbs
Bombarded by media’s
onslaught galore
Draining our brain cells
We’re all corporate whores.
Minute by minute
We sell ourselves whole
Until there’s nothing left
As is there goal.
Washed up, worn out
Left by the side of the curb.
So it goes
Life in the the sub-suburbs!

Going Through the Motions
By Kaoss
Day in, Day out.
Over and over, never changing.
One bleeding into the next
no change, just more of the same.
Is it any wonder the line
is blurring crazy and sane.
Tedium eats at the soul.
Forever pursuing some faceless goal.
Never to achieve
Nor to arrive
Like rats in a maze,
Fighting to survive.
*Going through the motions
It’s like swimming in the ocean.
Getting nowhere fast.
Fighting a losing battle.
How much longer can it last!
Back and forth,
popping up and down.
Everyone freaking
And running around.
Glassy eyed stares
no one really cares.
This one blabbing,
That one back.
incessant chatter, constant
Intelligence lacks.
Fighting for sanity
Avoiding calamity.
*Going through the motions
It’s like swimming in the ocean.
Getting nowhere fast.
Fighting a losing battle.
How much longer can it last!
Back and forth,
popping up and down.
Everyone freaking
And running around.
Glassy eyed stares
no one really cares.
This one blabbing,
That one back.
incessant chatter, constant
Intelligence lacks.
Fighting for sanity
Avoiding calamity.
*Going through the motions
It’s like swimming in the ocean.
Getting nowhere fast.
Fighting a losing battle.
How much longer can it last!

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