Saturday, October 15, 2011

Import of Lyrics June 2011

Darkness Abounds
By Kaoss
The sun shines, yet it doesn’t.
In the brightest day,
It’s still one dark night.
Progressing onward,
In an endless parade
getting deeper and darker,
with each passing step.
Self hatred grows,
but what else is new.
One keeps wondering
About the other foot.
But then there’s that,
Whole thing with the shoe.
Nothing every goes right.
One tries to do the best.
But no matter, It’s never enough.
The boogeyman always,
Pops up and turns it south.
Murhpy’s law in full effect
before it’s started,
everything’s wrecked.
Pariah at large
Shunned by the light
The abyss always calling
Embedded with fright.
It’s never any different
always the same
No winning….end of game.

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