Saturday, October 15, 2011

Import Part 3

T D Ummmmm
By Kaoss
Hours on end
sitting in a small box
discussing nothing
the virtue of stuffed fox
Waiting again
with just nothing to do
can you imagine
this happening to you.
Is it worth it
to sit and stand idle
pretending to work
do nothing be mindful.
Time not passing
Still barely lapsing
Hold on reality
Soon is collapsing.
When will it end
Is the clarion cry
What would be worse?
what’s on the other side
Torn Throat Cries Red
By Kaoss
Black is the night
Time has arrived
The hunt begins anew once again.
Soon the feast begins,
So goes life in the concrete jungle.
Hot on the trail
Prey fleeing fast,
The scent of fear is strong.
Heart beating quickly!
Closing in for the kill
Time for joy is near,
The cycle of life and death must continue.
Fresh kill tastes sweet,
Divine thoughts fly.
Another prey does die.
Sated by an evening meal
Another glance one steals
Death in repose
This is how the cycle goes.
Torn throat cries red,
Vacant eyes stare dead,
Cold hand never feels,
Open mouth never hungers for a meal.
So goes life in the concrete jungle.
Voice From Within
By Kaoss
Out on the edge,
Never quite sane.
He sits in a shadow,
Not once does he complain.
Stained is the snow,
From the blood in his veins.
It’s never any different,
Just always the same.
Crying aloud, The voice from within.
Makes itself known.
Haunted, confused.
No one ever listens to the voice from within.
Wishing it was possible ,
To return to his youth.
Forever searching,
for the ever elusive truth.
Tortured by derisions, lodged in his brain
constantly he’s running from the ever growing pain.
Crying aloud, The voice from within.
Makes itself known.
Haunted, confused.
No one ever listens to the voice from within.
Legal stuff: All works included within are copyrighted and owned by Kaoss Publishing Inc.
Broken Hearted
By Kaoss
The pain inside keeps growing
never to disapate
forever getting larger
and all one can do is wait.
The outcome is inevitable
the time is just when.
All that one can do is live it
again and a gain and again.
You want so much to find hope
but it’s just grasping at straws
no matter what you say
it’s life’s fatal flaw.
There is no finger of blame
it is what it is that’s all
Take what you can while you can
So life takes a fall.
Enjoy it while you can
there is no need to cry
Especially when you’ve done so much
and kept it all inside.
Cookie Jar
By Kaoss
Empty is as empty does
sitting on the shelf up above
watching as the wold goes by
wondering as the time does fly
Watching waiting for some thing
wondering if it will be big
up above the world so high
is this time, all will be right
And then happens, the world moves
a rustle of paper exicitement looms
carefull hand places each inside
full again at least for a time
One by one there’s less and less
hapiness soon turns to stress
full once now a growing hole
eating from ones very soul
Empty is as empty does
ditting on the shelf up above
watching as the wold goes by
wondering as the time does fly

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