Saturday, October 15, 2011

import 10/2010

Monthly Archives: October 2010

By Kaoss
Once again the all consuming emptiness returns.
No one remembers or recalls the pain or fear endured.
Lost is the strength to fight it’s clawing pull.
Down goes the will until there is naught.
Forsaken, forgotten and forlorn
The race of man wastes away.
Saddled with their ignorance,
And hampered by their arrogance.
How many times can a question be asked
Before redundancy becomes entropy.
Countless are the fools that roam the countryside
Spouting fallacy as wisdom, accepted as fact.
Listen to the flushing sound
As the world goes spinning down
Slowly but surely, ever onward.
Down on towards oblivion.
Emptiness clouds the minds
Of those that rule the nations;
Spreading the void that is all they are,
Until nothings left to even fill a jar.
Once again the all consuming emptiness returns.
No one remembers or recalls the pain or fear endured.
Lost is the strength to fight it’s clawing pull.
Down goes the will until there is naught.
One Day!
By Kaoss
One day they’ll remember,
perhaps then they will know.
However it is doubtful
Just like the melted snow.
One day they’ll remember,
through the passage of time
Wisdom should be occurring
not random genocide.
One day they may realize,
all the forgotten lore.
The knowledge there that’s waiting
behind that long locked door.
One day they’ll remember
and then begin again
turn over a new leaf
repent the long lost sin.
However unlikely
on some far off day
someone will remember
or man shall pass away!
Journey Not Taken
By Kaoss

The draught is quaffed
the possible journey assembled.
After the mist cleared
A doorway resembled.
To cross or to stay
Therein  the answer lies.
Nothing is certain,
Accept living and dying!

Though trick of the mind,
from a drink imbibed.
the question remains
to cross or deny.
This is the choice
fog makes it hard
damn fairy is tricksy,
but then again so’s the bard.

Ancients have traveled
this path often before
tis this ones first visit
to that faithful door.
To cross that threshold
or stay with what known.
That begs the question,
Safety or roam?

Caution wins out.
At least for this round.
But none can say what,
next time the green fairy comes round!

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