Saturday, October 15, 2011

Import part 2

Where Do Dreams Go When They Die
Lyrics by Kaoss
There’s bombs blowing up everywhere,
and there’s crap floating in the sea!
What crazy nightnare,
No, it’s the on News on TV!
So much insanitybrought right home to see.
A guy down the street the other day,
shot his wife and 4 kids.
House in foreclosure,No food in the fridge!
Police burst in to finish him,
He just couldn’t begin again.
How’d it get away from us,
What was the breaking point?
Why all this insanity.
And why let the pain mount.
It makes one wonder more and more all the time,
Where do dreams go when they die.
This ones smoking crack,
The other shooting meth!!
They get together and start raining death.
Not quite sure why, all those people had to die.
They just wanted to score another high.
Not that long ago,
things were diferent for sure
not that is was better,some would say more pure.
But they had the dream,and it kept them pushing on.
What did we that was so wrong!!
How’d it get away from us,
What was the breaking point?
Why all this insanity.
And why let the pain mount.
It makes one wonder more and more all the time,
Where do dreams go when they die.

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