Sunday, October 16, 2011

Words Burn

         Words Burn
          by Kaoss

Poison not taken but heard,
Far more dangerous if written
What makes them think
They have the right
To dispense all this venom
On any given night.
A stab in the back
A slice of the throat
Hurt far, far less than
A flaming wordly stab at the heart.
Feelings don't really matter,
They're abstract like art.

  +  Words burn, cut and crucify.
     Sometimes the near truth,
     Hurts far worse than any lie.
     Words kill, maim and objectify
     Purposely injuring without out
     thought Or reason why!

A simple paragraph wounds,
Like twas shot from a gun.
Vicious hatefull sentences
Launched just to deride
Nothing can stop the blood flow
It's an endless tide.
What gives one the right
To spit hate and venom blight.
No thought of outcome
No concern about injury
Just spew the piece
And move on to the next.

  +  Words burn, cut and crucify.
     Sometimes the near truth,
     Hurts far worse than any lie.
     Words kill, maim and objectify
     Purposely injuring without out
     thought Or reason why!

Think about what is spoken
Words burn, hurt, make broken.
Think before you let hate fly
you could be responsible
for multiple deaths or suicide.
Think, it's not that hard.

Once launched, retreval is.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

An Overview of Madness

Howdy! And welcome! This is now the new home of my lyrical outbursts. Contained so far is everthing from the old site. More than likely there is probably some duplication, but hey what do you want from a madman!!

Here insanity is rampart, silliness a way of life and don't forget the ever present fear and confusion. If you like what you read and someday may hear, I thank you! If not? Oh well such is life.

Please feel free, or expensive if you prefer, to leave comments they are appreciated and assist me in delving even deeper into the strange madness that is me.

Alright!! Sit back, relax and hold on tight for madness ensues!!!

Monthly Archives: September 2011

Too Many Questions
By Kaoss
Can I have this?
Do you know where?
Why is this happening?
What is wrong.
How do I?
Why oh why?
Why oh Why?
All Kinds of question
being thrown around
With no thoughts given
nor taken a look about
perhaps the answers right in front
if you’d open your eyes.
Asking question without need
seeking answers unnecessarily
draining and constraining,
Question always changing
Blocking those that really require
an honest needed answer.
Selfishly hoarding
Asking, seeking, redemption
when all they need is
in the palm of their hand
If they’d just open their eyes
And unclose their minds.
Can I have this?
Do you know where?
Why is this happening?
What is wrong.
How do I?
Why oh why?
Why oh Why?

Life in the Sub-Suburbs
By Kaoss
Washed up, worn out
Left by the side of the curb.
So it goes
Life in the the sub-suburbs
Watching the drivel
Spew from the idiot box
It’d feel much better
being tied to a pile of rocks,
Lied to and beaten,
By those we elect.
If there was somewhere to go
certainly we’d all defect!
But here we stay,
Slowly wasting away
In our cardboard menagerie
with nothing to play,
Why ask why
because it takes to much time
It’s so much easier
to sit here and whine.
Washed up, worn out
Left by the side of the curb.
So it goes
Life in the the sub-suburbs
Bombarded by media’s
onslaught galore
Draining our brain cells
We’re all corporate whores.
Minute by minute
We sell ourselves whole
Until there’s nothing left
As is there goal.
Washed up, worn out
Left by the side of the curb.
So it goes
Life in the the sub-suburbs!

Going Through the Motions
By Kaoss
Day in, Day out.
Over and over, never changing.
One bleeding into the next
no change, just more of the same.
Is it any wonder the line
is blurring crazy and sane.
Tedium eats at the soul.
Forever pursuing some faceless goal.
Never to achieve
Nor to arrive
Like rats in a maze,
Fighting to survive.
*Going through the motions
It’s like swimming in the ocean.
Getting nowhere fast.
Fighting a losing battle.
How much longer can it last!
Back and forth,
popping up and down.
Everyone freaking
And running around.
Glassy eyed stares
no one really cares.
This one blabbing,
That one back.
incessant chatter, constant
Intelligence lacks.
Fighting for sanity
Avoiding calamity.
*Going through the motions
It’s like swimming in the ocean.
Getting nowhere fast.
Fighting a losing battle.
How much longer can it last!
Back and forth,
popping up and down.
Everyone freaking
And running around.
Glassy eyed stares
no one really cares.
This one blabbing,
That one back.
incessant chatter, constant
Intelligence lacks.
Fighting for sanity
Avoiding calamity.
*Going through the motions
It’s like swimming in the ocean.
Getting nowhere fast.
Fighting a losing battle.
How much longer can it last!

Import of Lyrics June 2011

Darkness Abounds
By Kaoss
The sun shines, yet it doesn’t.
In the brightest day,
It’s still one dark night.
Progressing onward,
In an endless parade
getting deeper and darker,
with each passing step.
Self hatred grows,
but what else is new.
One keeps wondering
About the other foot.
But then there’s that,
Whole thing with the shoe.
Nothing every goes right.
One tries to do the best.
But no matter, It’s never enough.
The boogeyman always,
Pops up and turns it south.
Murhpy’s law in full effect
before it’s started,
everything’s wrecked.
Pariah at large
Shunned by the light
The abyss always calling
Embedded with fright.
It’s never any different
always the same
No winning….end of game.

Import May 2011

Monthly Archives: May 2011


import 03/2011

Monthly Archives: April 2011

Refuse to Say Goodbye
By Kaoss
From time to time,
There comes a place
Where you must say goodbye.
But this is one of those
I must refuse
And ask why!
But this is one of those
I must refuse
And ask why!
There wasn’t enough time
To truly get to know
All the ups and downs
Life has to offer
To see all the wonders
And amaze at the splendor.
To feel the pain, the joy
and all that it offers.
But this is one of those
I must refuse
And ask why!
So I will keep
All the memories alive
here in my heart
Safe and warm
And refuse to say goodbye
Here in my heart
Safe and warm
And refuse to say goodbye
Pain Sometimes, Never Fades
By Kaoss
The old saying goes:
something lost is something gained.
Did no one ever consider the pain?
Some times it’s too hard to see
the value of a lesson,
when what you lost
clouds the heart and mind.
Empty platitudes
and old wives tales
cannot replace when hurt assails.
to gain what’s necessary
the lesson learned.
One must get past the pain
of having been burned.
Minutes turn to hours
time and days do slide
It gets hard to function
with all the sludge inside
Time heals all wounds
They always say,
But does it really ever?
It’s hard to get past it.
When the world seems
Like it stringing you out with lies
Chalk lines converge
The soul still burns
But they say more emptiness
Who the hell are they any way!

import 2/2011

Monthly Archives: February 2011

Facade of Illusion
By Kaoss
Crack a smile
Never let them catch
a glimpse of the pain.
Pull the mask tight
So no one can see
Just how far you’re gone.
Cry in the shadows
Hiding the hurt
That cuts so deep.
Keep them on edge
Never once guessing
How desperate
You are!
* Facade of Illusion
Never let them see or feel the truth.
Your dying inside, but the pain you must hide
So lock it up!
Facade of Illusion
Smiling and laughing as you weep inside.
Cry in the rain, so none can see the tears
Or the Fear!
Praying for death,
Your own, Not the most Dear.
Night after night
Plauged in your sleep
By the fear, of loss!
Haunted tormented,
But never once letting it slip.
Constantly shifting
So no one ever catches the drift.
Always eluding
confusing those on the path
So no one knows
You’ve collapsed!
* Facade of Illusion
Never let them see or feel the truth.
Your dying inside, but the pain you must hide
So lock it up!
Facade of Illusion
Smiling and laughing as you weep inside.
Cry in the rain, so none can see the tears
Or the Fear!
= Pain and anguish
your only true friends
You see thr one true horror
Over and over again!
There’s no escape
As you spiral downard again!
No end!
Laugh at a joke
When feel like screaming.
Pray for a jolt
When your trapped
in the horror of dreaming.
Never let go
Hold on just to keep them believing
That you are fine,
weathering the storm
refuse to be torn asunder
Living a lie all the while
You’re falling…
* Facade of Illusion
Never let them see or feel the truth.
Your dying inside, but the pain you must hide
So lock it up!
Facade of Illusion
Smiling and laughing as you weep inside.
Cry in the rain, so none can see the tears
Or the Fear!
= Pain and anguish
your only true friends
You see the one true horror
Over and over again!
There’s no escape
As you spiral downward again!
No end!
Praying for death,
Your own, Not the most Dear.
Night after night
Plauged in your sleep
By the fear, of loss!
Haunted tormented,
But never once letting it slip.
Constantly shifting
So no one ever catches the drift.
Always eluding
confusing those on the path
So no one knows
You’ve collapsed!
* Facade of Illusion
Never let them see or feel the truth.
Your dying inside, but the pain you must hide
So lock it up!
Facade of Illusion
Smiling and laughing as you weep inside.
Cry in the rain, so none can see the tears
Or the Fear!
= Pain and anguish
your only true friends
You see the one true horror
Over and over again!
There’s no escape
As you spiral downward again!
No end!
Laugh at a joke
When feel like screaming.
Pray for a jolt
When your trapped
in the horror of dreaming.
Never let go
Hold on just to keep them believing
That you are fine,
weathering the storm
refuse to be torn asunder
Living a lie all the while
You’re falling…
* Facade of Illusion
Never let them see or feel the truth.
Your dying inside, but the pain you must hide
So lock it up!
Facade of Illusion
Smiling and laughing as you weep inside.
Cry in the rain, so none can see the tears
Or the Fear!
= Pain and anguish
your only true friends
You see the one true horror
Over and over again!
There’s no escape
As you spiral downard again!
No end!
Everything Goes Away
By Kaoss
Going up round the bend
Such a calamity
Not sure what to do
Oh the insanity
So much to feel
not much to say
It’s one of those things
that will never go away!!
All ate up inside
from all the tragedy
It’s no one’s fault
not even society
No cause no cure
lost all hilarity
Is everything done
or is this just parity?
* Everything goes away
It’s all too much
Can’t they just leave this one alone?
Everything goes away
The hurt inside
Grows deeper each and every day!
Everything goes away
Let’s give up the fight
It’s doesn’t matter any way……
You try so hard
But never seem to get anywhere.
Nothing works
It just the way it goes
Billions of tears
pour out like vigilant prayers
Never get answered because
they just really don’t care!
All ate up inside
from all the tragedy
It’s no one’s fault
not even society
No cause no cure
lost all hilarity
Is everything done
or is this just parity?
* Everything goes away
It’s all too much
Can’t they just leave this one alone?
Everything goes away
The hurt inside
Burns deeper each and every day!
Everything goes away
Let’s give up the fight
It’s the nature of things…….

import 10/2010

Monthly Archives: October 2010

By Kaoss
Once again the all consuming emptiness returns.
No one remembers or recalls the pain or fear endured.
Lost is the strength to fight it’s clawing pull.
Down goes the will until there is naught.
Forsaken, forgotten and forlorn
The race of man wastes away.
Saddled with their ignorance,
And hampered by their arrogance.
How many times can a question be asked
Before redundancy becomes entropy.
Countless are the fools that roam the countryside
Spouting fallacy as wisdom, accepted as fact.
Listen to the flushing sound
As the world goes spinning down
Slowly but surely, ever onward.
Down on towards oblivion.
Emptiness clouds the minds
Of those that rule the nations;
Spreading the void that is all they are,
Until nothings left to even fill a jar.
Once again the all consuming emptiness returns.
No one remembers or recalls the pain or fear endured.
Lost is the strength to fight it’s clawing pull.
Down goes the will until there is naught.
One Day!
By Kaoss
One day they’ll remember,
perhaps then they will know.
However it is doubtful
Just like the melted snow.
One day they’ll remember,
through the passage of time
Wisdom should be occurring
not random genocide.
One day they may realize,
all the forgotten lore.
The knowledge there that’s waiting
behind that long locked door.
One day they’ll remember
and then begin again
turn over a new leaf
repent the long lost sin.
However unlikely
on some far off day
someone will remember
or man shall pass away!
Journey Not Taken
By Kaoss

The draught is quaffed
the possible journey assembled.
After the mist cleared
A doorway resembled.
To cross or to stay
Therein  the answer lies.
Nothing is certain,
Accept living and dying!

Though trick of the mind,
from a drink imbibed.
the question remains
to cross or deny.
This is the choice
fog makes it hard
damn fairy is tricksy,
but then again so’s the bard.

Ancients have traveled
this path often before
tis this ones first visit
to that faithful door.
To cross that threshold
or stay with what known.
That begs the question,
Safety or roam?

Caution wins out.
At least for this round.
But none can say what,
next time the green fairy comes round!

Import continues

The Bell Strikes Twelve!!!
By Kaoss
The Darkness comes and goes without pattern
As the little boy stands in the hall,
Waiting , wanting to know more
But understanding less.
Fear grows as anticipation builds.
What is truly going on?
The Bell tolls thrice, nine more to go.
12 is the hour of impending doom.
Are we dreaming or is this the end!
No one knows if we wake or yet sleep!
Does it matter, turn on the box,
Therein the answer lies… you!
Sit and watch the endless parade of  the near dead
Who’s wearing what, who’s doing who.
Listen to the flushing sound
as we spiral ever down into oblivion!!
In the hallway, afraid and crying
The little boy stands staring, sobbing.
What will become of us!!!!
The Bell strikes twelve and then…………
                                      By Kaoss
Consumed, used up, empty
Nothing left except rot and decay.
Animated by sheer force of will
But soon that will see the end of day.
None shall cry when the last bow is taken,
No remorse by those left behind.
No thought at all about the wasted potential.
Just a laugh, maybe a smile nothing more.
None mourned the gods as they faded one by one,
What makes a man deserve even half.
Why even bother, soon it’s all dust,
Slowly decay deep in the crust.
The ghost’s of tomorrow soon yesterday’s forgotten,
All that is left when thing’s are rotten.
The Carnival’s done, the tents all folded,
There is no next stop, creation’s eroded.
And soon the last bell tolls!
By Kaoss
All empty inside
No more sweet red juice
The last drop gone
Taken without even a thank you.
Now left on a shelf
Cold and forgotten
Wanting waiting
Dreaming of the way it once was.
That awesome feeling
Full up to the brim
Pouring forth with joy
Oh to return to that great time.
Darkness abounds alone
Time creeps on endless
Remembering  good times
Wanting waiting goes on and on!
Commotion abounds
Sound almost deafening
Darkness now light
Fullness the delicious sweet liquid returns!

Import Part 3

T D Ummmmm
By Kaoss
Hours on end
sitting in a small box
discussing nothing
the virtue of stuffed fox
Waiting again
with just nothing to do
can you imagine
this happening to you.
Is it worth it
to sit and stand idle
pretending to work
do nothing be mindful.
Time not passing
Still barely lapsing
Hold on reality
Soon is collapsing.
When will it end
Is the clarion cry
What would be worse?
what’s on the other side
Torn Throat Cries Red
By Kaoss
Black is the night
Time has arrived
The hunt begins anew once again.
Soon the feast begins,
So goes life in the concrete jungle.
Hot on the trail
Prey fleeing fast,
The scent of fear is strong.
Heart beating quickly!
Closing in for the kill
Time for joy is near,
The cycle of life and death must continue.
Fresh kill tastes sweet,
Divine thoughts fly.
Another prey does die.
Sated by an evening meal
Another glance one steals
Death in repose
This is how the cycle goes.
Torn throat cries red,
Vacant eyes stare dead,
Cold hand never feels,
Open mouth never hungers for a meal.
So goes life in the concrete jungle.
Voice From Within
By Kaoss
Out on the edge,
Never quite sane.
He sits in a shadow,
Not once does he complain.
Stained is the snow,
From the blood in his veins.
It’s never any different,
Just always the same.
Crying aloud, The voice from within.
Makes itself known.
Haunted, confused.
No one ever listens to the voice from within.
Wishing it was possible ,
To return to his youth.
Forever searching,
for the ever elusive truth.
Tortured by derisions, lodged in his brain
constantly he’s running from the ever growing pain.
Crying aloud, The voice from within.
Makes itself known.
Haunted, confused.
No one ever listens to the voice from within.
Legal stuff: All works included within are copyrighted and owned by Kaoss Publishing Inc.
Broken Hearted
By Kaoss
The pain inside keeps growing
never to disapate
forever getting larger
and all one can do is wait.
The outcome is inevitable
the time is just when.
All that one can do is live it
again and a gain and again.
You want so much to find hope
but it’s just grasping at straws
no matter what you say
it’s life’s fatal flaw.
There is no finger of blame
it is what it is that’s all
Take what you can while you can
So life takes a fall.
Enjoy it while you can
there is no need to cry
Especially when you’ve done so much
and kept it all inside.
Cookie Jar
By Kaoss
Empty is as empty does
sitting on the shelf up above
watching as the wold goes by
wondering as the time does fly
Watching waiting for some thing
wondering if it will be big
up above the world so high
is this time, all will be right
And then happens, the world moves
a rustle of paper exicitement looms
carefull hand places each inside
full again at least for a time
One by one there’s less and less
hapiness soon turns to stress
full once now a growing hole
eating from ones very soul
Empty is as empty does
ditting on the shelf up above
watching as the wold goes by
wondering as the time does fly

Import part 2

Where Do Dreams Go When They Die
Lyrics by Kaoss
There’s bombs blowing up everywhere,
and there’s crap floating in the sea!
What crazy nightnare,
No, it’s the on News on TV!
So much insanitybrought right home to see.
A guy down the street the other day,
shot his wife and 4 kids.
House in foreclosure,No food in the fridge!
Police burst in to finish him,
He just couldn’t begin again.
How’d it get away from us,
What was the breaking point?
Why all this insanity.
And why let the pain mount.
It makes one wonder more and more all the time,
Where do dreams go when they die.
This ones smoking crack,
The other shooting meth!!
They get together and start raining death.
Not quite sure why, all those people had to die.
They just wanted to score another high.
Not that long ago,
things were diferent for sure
not that is was better,some would say more pure.
But they had the dream,and it kept them pushing on.
What did we that was so wrong!!
How’d it get away from us,
What was the breaking point?
Why all this insanity.
And why let the pain mount.
It makes one wonder more and more all the time,
Where do dreams go when they die.

Imported Lyrics from old site part 1

Too Many Questions
By Kaoss
Can I have this?
Do you know where?
Why is this happening?
What is wrong.
How do I?
Why oh why?
Why oh Why?
All Kinds of question
being thrown around
With no thoughts given
nor taken a look about
perhaps the answers right in front
if you’d open your eyes.
Asking question without need
seeking answers unnecessarily
draining and constraining,
Question always changing
Blocking those that really require
an honest needed answer.
Selfishly hoarding
Asking, seeking, redemption
when all they need is
in the palm of their hand
If they’d just open their eyes
And unclose their minds.
Can I have this?
Do you know where?
Why is this happening?
What is wrong.
How do I?
Why oh why?
Why oh Why?
Life in the Sub-Suburbs
By Kaoss
Washed up, worn out
Left by the side of the curb.
So it goes
Life in the the sub-suburbs
Watching the drivel
Spew from the idiot box
It’d feel much better
being tied to a pile of rocks,
Lied to and beaten,
By those we elect.
If there was somewhere to go
certainly we’d all defect!
But here we stay,
Slowly wasting away
In our cardboard menagerie
with nothing to play,
Why ask why
because it takes to much time
It’s so much easier
to sit here and whine.
Washed up, worn out
Left by the side of the curb.
So it goes
Life in the the sub-suburbs
Bombarded by media’s
onslaught galore
Draining our brain cells
We’re all corporate whores.
Minute by minute
We sell ourselves whole
Until there’s nothing left
As is there goal.
Washed up, worn out
Left by the side of the curb.
So it goes
Life in the the sub-suburbs!
Going Through the Motions
By Kaoss
Day in, Day out.
Over and over, never changing.
One bleeding into the next
no change, just more of the same.
Is it any wonder the line
is blurring crazy and sane.
Tedium eats at the soul.
Forever pursuing some faceless goal.
Never to achieve
Nor to arrive
Like rats in a maze,
Fighting to survive.
*Going through the motions
It’s like swimming in the ocean.
Getting nowhere fast.
Fighting a losing battle.
How much longer can it last!
Back and forth,
popping up and down.
Everyone freaking
And running around.
Glassy eyed stares
no one really cares.
This one blabbing,
That one back.
incessant chatter, constant
Intelligence lacks.
Fighting for sanity
Avoiding calamity.
*Going through the motions
It’s like swimming in the ocean.
Getting nowhere fast.
Fighting a losing battle.
How much longer can it last!
Back and forth,
popping up and down.
Everyone freaking
And running around.
Glassy eyed stares
no one really cares.
This one blabbing,
That one back.
incessant chatter, constant
Intelligence lacks.
Fighting for sanity
Avoiding calamity.
*Going through the motions
It’s like swimming in the ocean.
Getting nowhere fast.
Fighting a losing battle.
How much longer can it last!
Darkness Abounds
By Kaoss
The sun shines, yet it doesn’t.
In the brightest day,
It’s still one dark night.
Progressing onward,
In an endless parade
getting deeper and darker,
with each passing step.
Self hatred grows,
but what else is new.
One keeps wondering
About the other foot.
But then there’s that,
Whole thing with the shoe.
Nothing every goes right.
One tries to do the best.
But no matter, It’s never enough.
The boogeyman always,
Pops up and turns it south.
Murhpy’s law in full effect
before it’s started,
everything’s wrecked.
Pariah at large
Shunned by the light
The abyss always calling
Embedded with fright.
It’s never any different
always the same
No winning….end of game.
Refuse to Say Goodbye
By Kaoss
From time to time,
There comes a place
Where you must say goodbye.
But this is one of those
I must refuse
And ask why!
But this is one of those
I must refuse
And ask why!
There wasn’t enough time
To truly get to know
All the ups and downs
Life has to offer
To see all the wonders
And amaze at the splendor.
To feel the pain, the joy
and all that it offers.
But this is one of those
I must refuse
And ask why!
So I will keep
All the memories alive
here in my heart
Safe and warm
And refuse to say goodbye
Here in my heart
Safe and warm
And refuse to say goodbye
Pain Sometimes, Never Fades
By Kaoss
The old saying goes:
something lost is something gained.
Did no one ever consider the pain?
Some times it’s too hard to see
the value of a lesson,
when what you lost
clouds the heart and mind.
Empty platitudes
and old wives tales
cannot replace when hurt assails.
to gain what’s necessary
the lesson learned.
One must get past the pain
of having been burned.
Minutes turn to hours
time and days do slide
It gets hard to function
with all the sludge inside
Time heals all wounds
They always say,
But does it really ever?
It’s hard to get past it.
When the world seems
Like it stringing you out with lies
Chalk lines converge
The soul still burns
But they say more emptiness
Who the hell are they any way!
Facade of Illusion
By Kaoss
Crack a smile
Never let them catch
a glimpse of the pain.
Pull the mask tight
So no one can see
Just how far you’re gone.
Cry in the shadows
Hiding the hurt
That cuts so deep.
Keep them on edge
Never once guessing
How desperate
You are!
* Facade of Illusion
Never let them see or feel the truth.
Your dying inside, but the pain you must hide
So lock it up!
Facade of Illusion
Smiling and laughing as you weep inside.
Cry in the rain, so none can see the tears
Or the Fear!
Praying for death,
Your own, Not the most Dear.
Night after night
Plauged in your sleep
By the fear, of loss!
Haunted tormented,
But never once letting it slip.
Constantly shifting
So no one ever catches the drift.
Always eluding
confusing those on the path
So no one knows
You’ve collapsed!
* Facade of Illusion
Never let them see or feel the truth.
Your dying inside, but the pain you must hide
So lock it up!
Facade of Illusion
Smiling and laughing as you weep inside.
Cry in the rain, so none can see the tears
Or the Fear!
= Pain and anguish
your only true friends
You see thr one true horror
Over and over again!
There’s no escape
As you spiral downard again!
No end!
Laugh at a joke
When feel like screaming.
Pray for a jolt
When your trapped
in the horror of dreaming.
Never let go
Hold on just to keep them believing
That you are fine,
weathering the storm
refuse to be torn asunder
Living a lie all the while
You’re falling…
* Facade of Illusion
Never let them see or feel the truth.
Your dying inside, but the pain you must hide
So lock it up!
Facade of Illusion
Smiling and laughing as you weep inside.
Cry in the rain, so none can see the tears
Or the Fear!
= Pain and anguish
your only true friends
You see the one true horror
Over and over again!
There’s no escape
As you spiral downward again!
No end!
Praying for death,
Your own, Not the most Dear.
Night after night
Plauged in your sleep
By the fear, of loss!
Haunted tormented,
But never once letting it slip.
Constantly shifting
So no one ever catches the drift.
Always eluding
confusing those on the path
So no one knows
You’ve collapsed!
* Facade of Illusion
Never let them see or feel the truth.
Your dying inside, but the pain you must hide
So lock it up!
Facade of Illusion
Smiling and laughing as you weep inside.
Cry in the rain, so none can see the tears
Or the Fear!
= Pain and anguish
your only true friends
You see the one true horror
Over and over again!
There’s no escape
As you spiral downward again!
No end!
Laugh at a joke
When feel like screaming.
Pray for a jolt
When your trapped
in the horror of dreaming.
Never let go
Hold on just to keep them believing
That you are fine,
weathering the storm
refuse to be torn asunder
Living a lie all the while
You’re falling…
* Facade of Illusion
Never let them see or feel the truth.
Your dying inside, but the pain you must hide
So lock it up!
Facade of Illusion
Smiling and laughing as you weep inside.
Cry in the rain, so none can see the tears
Or the Fear!
= Pain and anguish
your only true friends
You see the one true horror
Over and over again!
There’s no escape
As you spiral downard again!
No end!
Everything Goes Away
By Kaoss
Going up round the bend
Such a calamity
Not sure what to do
Oh the insanity
So much to feel
not much to say
It’s one of those things
that will never go away!!
All ate up inside
from all the tragedy
It’s no one’s fault
not even society
No cause no cure
lost all hilarity
Is everything done
or is this just parity?
* Everything goes away
It’s all too much
Can’t they just leave this one alone?
Everything goes away
The hurt inside
Grows deeper each and every day!
Everything goes away
Let’s give up the fight
It’s doesn’t matter any way……
You try so hard
But never seem to get anywhere.
Nothing works
It just the way it goes
Billions of tears
pour out like vigilant prayers
Never get answered because
they just really don’t care!
All ate up inside
from all the tragedy
It’s no one’s fault
not even society
No cause no cure
lost all hilarity
Is everything done
or is this just parity?
* Everything goes away
It’s all too much
Can’t they just leave this one alone?
Everything goes away
The hurt inside
Burns deeper each and every day!
Everything goes away
Let’s give up the fight
It’s the nature of things…….
By Kaoss
Once again the all consuming emptiness returns.
No one remembers or recalls the pain or fear endured.
Lost is the strength to fight it’s clawing pull.
Down goes the will until there is naught.
Forsaken, forgotten and forlorn
The race of man wastes away.
Saddled with their ignorance,
And hampered by their arrogance.
How many times can a question be asked
Before redundancy becomes entropy.
Countless are the fools that roam the countryside
Spouting fallacy as wisdom, accepted as fact.
Listen to the flushing sound
As the world goes spinning down
Slowly but surely, ever onward.
Down on towards oblivion.
Emptiness clouds the minds
Of those that rule the nations;
Spreading the void that is all they are,
Until nothings left to even fill a jar.
Once again the all consuming emptiness returns.
No one remembers or recalls the pain or fear endured.
Lost is the strength to fight it’s clawing pull.
Down goes the will until there is naught.