Sunday, January 22, 2012

Body's Betrayal

Body's Betrayal

  By Kaoss

Feeling as if a victim drowning
Ever weary of the universe and it's clowning
Body at war with the self
Hating, debating causing non functional health.

Left is right and down is up.
Even Alice didn't have this tough
Always onward is the cry
Sometimes hard when dead inside

Forever searching for the spark
To end the Sanity and turn on the Dark.
In order to finish the Great Work
Or at least, our part not to shirk

The feeble witness with uncertainty
As they are passed by for eternity
Although beware for one day
Tis they who'll rise and on top stay

Woe be to they who kiss the light
For darkness soon will fill their plight
leaving them stuck, dashed of hopes
Dreams unraveled, gone up in smoke.

Trapped in a cage of flesh decaying
Body not right, forever betraying
Until that fine and faithful day
The soul decides to fly away.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Dark, the Mad

The Dark, the Mad

     By Kaoss

May the godz grow weary of my complaining
And with little or no explaining
Strike me down and end all this!
Oh wait, I work for the opposition
In this startling exhibition
And power over me they do not have.
So hell continues as long as I last.
Immortality craved by those with out
Once received they scream and shout.
End this end this it's too much
Bet they wish their mouths they'd shut
Wishing for what you should not have
Often leads to your soul being grabbed
By one such as I, the Dark, the Mad!
Fear the night, for those that cannot see.
Tis in that time you may see me.
Reaching clawing for the prize
Your soul, your heart, your very mind.
A delicious snack to slake the hunger
The anticipation of dragging you under
Hear your screams rolling like thunder.
May the godz grow weary of all the complaining
And with little or no explaining
Disappear from all plain sight
Taking with them the sunlight
Making it our time to roam and plunder
Happily catching and dragging you under
Oh what a time that will be.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Voice

The Voice
By Kaoss

Trivialities distract
Possibilities beckon
Responsibilities deepen
Wonder never ceases.

Caught between reality
And the deep blue sea
Swimming not an option
Cannot escape destiny!

What's to come is uncertainty
Change is inevitable
Acceptance unquestionable
Do or die the only way.

The deeper one goes
Into the rabbit hole
The more one will truly understand
Nothing is as seems is in command.

Life is what you make it!
It does not happen
You must take it.
All is there, possible, don't hesitate.

Good and Bad
Is a state of mind
Always changeable
Except to the mentally blind.

Do what thou wilt
Is the word of law
As above, so below
Will free you from All!

Listen or not
That is the choice
Hearken or hurry
Never ignore the Voice!

Hidden deep inside
Where all wisdom resides
The Voice does whisper
It your choice to comply.

Angels won't save you
And Devils don't tempt
It's always your choice
If the Voice you accept!