Monday, July 30, 2012

Cruel Joke

Cruel Joke
 By Kaoss

More dead than live.
Lost the ability to fight the tide.
Drawn under, drowning but won't pass.
trapped in an eternal hell at last.

Forward in reverse
Waylayed by an ancient curse
Tormented, beaten and berated.
Given hope only to be frustrated.

Self hatred all thats left.
Nothing else completely bereft.
No strength, just suffering
Damnation, no recovering.

  =Praying for death.
   No swift blow comes
   Sitting waiting
   Empty devoid
   Wanting an end
   Receiving eternity

Cruel joke this
Imortality's kiss
Never dying
Just suffering

Tis to laugh
Tis to scream
Handed forever
Robbed of the chance to dream.

Paradise denied
Life as it is now a lie.
Lost forgotten shattered dreams
Lay laughing as the soul screams.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Willing Victim

Willing Victim
  By Kaoss

Turn it on each day
Just to pass the time away
Blaring glaring overload
Unknowningly doing what your told

Programs to enjoy
Seems like it's a faithful toy
Silently manipulating
Remolding, recreating

All the while you stare
Into the pretty glare
Rewriting, unenlightening
Plying you with the perfect lie.

Willingly you are it's victim
Sacrificing your souls conviction
Falling for the mass deception
Until your void of recollection.

Soon you are their great tool
Reprogrammed, functioning fool
None the wiser, mission complete
Your soul inside, beaten weeps.

Monday, July 9, 2012

No Sun

No Sun

By Kaoss

By Weariness overcome
Contemplating, perhaps race is run
Never ending, constant onslaught
Always using more than was taught.

No escape no way out
Must continue, cannot shout.
Always waiting for the truth
Or just something the soul to sooth.

Self hatred growing, cannot stop
Laughing watching, soon the bottom drops.
All spills over, ruins everything.
Now all undone, broken, nothing.

All is over!
All is done!
No crowd cheering.
No glory.
No sun.

By Darkness over taken
Last sound heard, soul breaking
Shattered, empty discovery.
All is lost,no recovery.

Face of Death now looming.
Final heartbeat booming.
Laughing watching,Death waits.
For the stroll past the gate.

Pointless thoughts fly.
As one waits to die.
Hoping for a last minute reprieve
One that is never received.

All is over!
All is done!
No crowd cheering.
No glory.
No sun.

Nothing worldly is true.
It's all a horrid ruse.
Meant to fool and cajole.
Calm before the drop in the hole.

So why try, why fight?
Why not sit, wait for eternal night.
Beat yourself  to nothing.
Just to lose everything.

Happiness, a lie.
Love, empty as sky.
Fear, a hole in a sock
Once slams the lid on the box.

All is over!
All is done!
No crowd cheering.
No glory.
No sun.