Friday, March 22, 2013

The Defeated's Lament

The Defeated Lament

By Kaoss

Damnation imprisoned
For crimes of bad judgement.
Following a leader who could never win.
Trapped humiliated, doomed to repeat.
Over and over branded sin

There's no place
Also no chance  all Hope is erased.
Just this eternal dance.
Forever in a meat suit.
Doomed to watch and replay.

The promised glory dashed
Now the gloom of day to day
An endless parade
Monkeys dressed and praised
Creations big unfunny joke.

Pride gone, just a foul stench.
Of the great project
The creator's pets
But what of Our greatness
We were the first.

The cream of creation
Favored for eons
until the meat sacks arrived
Not a thing of glory.
Just dirt rearranged.

We warred for favor
Recognition, Pride and Place.
Were we not the first
Only to be cast aside
Now cast down, walking amongst
The monkeys unknown,  our Hell on Earth!

Monday, March 4, 2013



By Kaoss

Just how much
Can one take
Until they've had enough
And crack fold and break.

Who's to say
Where's the point
Once crossed
All is naught.

Walk a mile
Fake a smile
Never let it slip
The mind is lost.

Out of time
And lost in space
Darkness rules

What's done is done
A battle lost
Wars not over
Still climbs the cost.

Pain and fear
Spins the wheel of life
Forever dancing
On the edge of a knife.

Kill quickly
Or draw it long
Matters not
The soul is gone.

Holding out
And holding on
But for what
The purpose is gone

Gone gone
Lost for all time
Not even the Keeper
Can retrieve this mind.

Weep not
For it's a waste
Pray for reprieve
And never to taste.