Friday, April 27, 2012


   Earth Bound

    By Kaoss

I scream for the Night to take me,
But as always the cry goes unheeded.
Seven millenia long
This sentence unneeded.

Cursed for an insurrection,
Based on pride and ill direction.
Cast out and left abandoned.
Guilty no trial,Damned by Creation.

Trapped with the monkeys
Crawling the Dirt unknowing.
The war long forgotten.
Left alone, hatred burning.

Cut off from the Heavenly host
Stripped of what was and is.
Left to rot on a spinning globe.
Envious of what was rightfully His.

Monday, April 16, 2012

No Swan Song

No Swan Song

By Kaoss

There is no forgiveness
Only self hate.
No more life,
Nothing left but waste.

Hours crawl by
No meaning left.
Mind lost unstable,
completely bereft.

No longer caring
Just passing the time.
Watching waiting
for the end sublime.

There is no point.
Price paid too high.
Nothing left but hatred
And desire to die.

But the abyss won't swallow
The wait lingers onward.
No tears, vessel empty
not even a swan song.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Not Right

Not Right
  By Kaoss

Something is different
Not quite right
Did something occur
In the dead of night?

Everything is off
six inches to the left
What is going on
Conscious thought bereft.

Nothing is certain
In fact down right strange
Just whats occurring
Is enough to derange.

Can't see a solution
Or a solid way out
Going with the flow
Filled with doubt.

Time continues on
Trapped in the paradox
Cat in the hat
Elephant wearing socks.

Alice might get this
But ones at a loss
Why is this happening
What is the cost.

Nothing to do
Just to enjoy the ride
But when this is over
Will I have a mind?

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Battle Undone

Battle Undone
  By Kaoss

Death take me and be swift.
One wearies and has no strength of limbs.
Mercy not needed, asked for or begged,
What's been done has been done.
No forgiveness can be won.

Cut the throat, burn the heart,
Ashes in silver, no return to the march.
The war is over race not won.
Place the soulless body
Out in the sun.

No farewell howl. No chant of the dead.
Make certain to sever the head.
Please heed this cry for release.
One wearies from fighting
This wasting disease.