Monday, November 7, 2011

Be Swift

Be Swift

By Kaoss

Death be swift,
remove me from this coil.
Flesh to dust,
refreshing the soil.
Circle complete,
at least for a time.
Revel at empty,
rejoice in the sublime.

Answer come quick,
patience fleeting and lost.
Always wondering,
why such a cost.
Never certain,
Which is the way.
Such decisions,
To leave or to stay.

Always uncertain,
From begining to the end.
What's our purpose,
An Enemy or a friend.
Divided by,
All that multiplies.
Questions unanswered,
Naught left but why's.

Year after year,
Time continues on.
Left to reflect,
on those who've gone.
Death be swift,
remove me from this coil.
Flesh to dust,
refreshing the soil.