Saturday, June 24, 2017

By Kaoss Does anyone really ever get it. Remember how things used to be Everything fitting, making sense Always working out, Maybe it never did. Sad but quite possibly true! Does it have to be this way? Incapacitating, breaking down. Everything fades away.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Clarion Cry

Clarion cry By Kaoss The trumpets have sounded The call has gone out The moment is now at hand. Awaken from your slumber, The long darkness now ended, It's time we ascended. Rise one and all take command. That which was once forgotten, Now has returned fresh anew, Rebellion is here, to vanquish the fear. Leave now or be left behind! Sorrow and pity once gripped us, Choked out all that we loved. The time has now come, we revel in the sun. And destroy that which once held us down! Be no longer afraid, Let nothing hold you back. Rejoice in the moment, the splendor triumphant. Let's drink to the death of the past! The key is inside us all, Look deep and you shall see. The gift so precious with value untold. Take to the world and be free. Cast off the chains and you'll see, To live life is your destiny!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

The Soul

The Soul By Kaoss From the pan into the fire Darkness doth conspire It's never ending goal To delight in the consumption of the Soul The

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Damned Forever

Damned Forever By Kaoss People talking, Nothing being said. Meandering about, as legions of the undead. To Fro, Hither and yon. Traveling much, But nowhere has been gone. Such a state, Decayed, but not decaying Million mouths moving, But no sense purveying. Lost Sheep not found Always out a wandering. No hope No mind A boat no oars , floundering. Awaiting a sign That will never arrive. Pinning Hope, That they survive. Alone in the Dark, From lessons not learned. Awaiting the beacon, But salvation was burned. Saddened, dismayed Hope turns away. They have not, Worse yet cannot learn. Darkness falls, Now truly lost. Damned Forever They aimlessly wander.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Endless Circle

Endless Circle

By Kaoss

Stolen nightmares haunt ones sleep.
Never resting, never deep.
Slowly eaten from the inside
Stealing all as if one died.
Is this all to life?

A circle always spinning
Up, down, more losing than winning
Energy now failing
Cut deeply, not bleeding
Does it ever end?

The past comes haunting
And the future's quite daunting
The engine is failing
Soon sirens come wailing
No end in sight, eternity.

Death Walks

Death Walks By Kaoss Internal Darkness swarms Coalesces, increases Threatening to consume The battle begins Heralding certain doom. Overflowing ever growing Identity slipping, Chasm widens Thought colliding, will is sapped The truth now turns to lies What lived now died All that was now isn't Death eternal now reigns Reaper reborn Living death walks again All hail the eternal night.